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Money-Making-Oriented Blogging ???


ScreenHunter_01 Dec. 30 05.20 Yesterday a penglana told me that one of my friend have a negative comment about my blog orientation. he said that my blog is a money-making-oriented blog. it means nothing for him. i don't know what really he told about. i only guess that his perseption made when he read my post about blogsvertise and its paid review program. but what's wrong with paid review program? did i hurt him? or maybe i kill his father, his mom, or i bother him himself? no, really i never pretend to disturbe other when i'm blogging about this or that.

I blog what i want to blog about. and it is my right, like others have their rights. without pretending to disturbe anyone, i myself merely want to express what i have. i write what i want to write about.  and i'm sure that i have no fault about these things.

ScreenHunter_02 Dec. 30 06.03 back to money-making-oriented blogging as he comment about, really i do not understand what does he mean. better if i picked what i've written about paid review program in my blog and what my orientation in attending paid review program. and let him understand. and below i copy-paste what my blogging orientation :


I'm a newbie in Blogging and do not have any academic background neither in computing, web development, or IT specialist . but  i do hope that i could make some entrance toward this trends in Blogging. therefore, few months ago i'd tried to Blog about everything i interested in. some about travel information, and others about either jobs and career information, or everything. beside those i manage a personal Blog entitled "KEMBANGSETAMAN"  with which i interact to friends and colleagues.

I wrote many on such Blogs, either about reviews, parenting, hotel information, or also making money online. for the last thing, money making, on recent time i joined either Blogsvertise, SponsoredReviews, and or Review Me. with those contextual web advertising, especially because of those web promote paid to review program, exactly in english,  i found at least two opportunities; firstly, i could improve my writing ability in English. as a brief to you all know, that i myself never got any kinds of formal English courses. i learned English only in my early school, either SMP or SMA degree, without any additional course anymore. but actually i have a huge curiosity in English, even it intended for reading, speaking or  writing.  with this curiosity  i do hope that i could maximize my English.

That is the first opportunity i got from paid to review program. but the second, i could earn some money from these reviews. as you know in marketing principles, that there are many company all entire the world. and some of them were need to promote, either, their company, product, and anythings they have. this is our opportunity in paid to review program. some companies paired to advertising company with many kinds of advertising models. and one of those models was a paid review program.

How to describe this program? it is easy to know  that such company want  spreading  about their company, profiles, product info,  etc, etc  in effort  to drive their popularity in marketplaces. by pairing in review advertising model they could spread their company's popularity, but their also drive a large of visitors traffic to their site. within which the reviewer, through the contextual web advertising, will receive repayment of their reviews. it about 1$ - 999$ for each review. don't you interested to try???
Above anything, nowadays, i tried to build a Blog. but i did not familiar with their setting. and this is the result of my effort to know about space live Blog. what do you see about this blog???

Don't you ever think about enrich your english in one hand, and enrich your wallet with dollars, in another. whatever he, they, she or everybody will comment on me, i will always do what o want to do in blogging.

But why i change my theme again? cause someone use the same theme with me. and he is the person who comments on my blog. really i lose my sympathi to him. not about his comment, but because of his cyninical respons to anybody. really i don't like it

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