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ShoeMoney, an outstanding senior on Blogging, earn much revenue from his blogging activity even suggest to be honestly in writing some blog. let me show what he advice Blogger :




Don’t try to be something you are not

If you want people to take you seriously just be yourself. I see many people trying to be something they are not and… well its just annoying. Maybe its just me that is turned off by it? I dunno I guess it works for some people. For me it doesn’t work because I am always at conferences hanging with people. I am not a speaker who comes just before he speaks and leaves right after. If I am not doing a interview or meeting I am always in the expo hall hanging out meeting people and companies.


This suggestion denotes much to make Blogging as a real-life mirror of our life out of blog, our real daily life. but what really his suggestion mean in Blogging? let you know about.

To be honest on blogging, for some cases, is hard to do. moreover if our Blog be oriented a an online marketing tools. it should propose many things about the products, reviews, or etc, etc. so be honest in Blogging could be only reliable for a personal ones, without other. but, what does it means to our Blog? does it drive a bugs of traffics? or it will bring much money to our account?

Really, it could be like that hopefully. but let you think about this thin things. when we are written many about our reali life, then many readers will easily know about ourself. and when they know better about what we make in writing then they identify us as such definition. the direct effect, firstly, was they will always come to our Blog while they want to know what updated information or tips in the Blog. doing so the reader could also recommend his/her friends to read our blog. this is the first dirrect effect, but what other mean of it?

Secondly, when many read on our Blog, consecuently the traffic will grow up. and this trend must be positive to our Blog. cause it will be followed by our rank growth in search engines records. our blog will be listed in a high number of rank in many search engines like Google, Yahoo, Altavista, etc, etc. this will, thirdly, allow many readers to access your pages in search engines easily, enjoying your tips or etc, etc. this condition, exactly, will steal advertiser attention on your Blog. then don't be shocked about when they contact you offering to make an advertising deal on your Blog. it's amazing thing for all Blogger, isn't it???


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